Many times, you may have witnessed running across sick and dead birds. If you are sensitive, you may have even thought regarding how do you know when a bird is dying. You should see the fact that birds will never tell you that they are sick or severely injured.
It is totally up to you to identify such birds that are in distress and help them accordingly. In this article, you will increase your knowledge about various signs a bird is dying.
How Do You Know When the Bird is Dying- Common Symptoms
You should know that not all the birds can show you the symptoms that they are weak and about to die. You can quickly identify them by comparing them with a healthy bird that is energetic and ready to fly if you catch them. Some of the common symptoms of the dull birds are –
- Sick birds are usually inactive and possess an unfocused eye
- A dying bird usually lose their feathers and looks ugly
- Many birds often have swollen eyes or membranes
- You can even see their injuries in such cases
These are some of the physical appearances that you can quickly notice when the birds are ill. But such symptoms are hard to detect if they are baby birds. You can also examine the behavior of the birds to detect their illness.
The behavior of Sick Birds
We all know that healthy birds are perky and are always active on the other hand a sick bird can show the below mention symptoms :
- Problems in breathing and puffing
- Inability to fly properly
- Sitting stable even if there is danger around
- Showing an unsteady posture
- Getting snapped by predators or some other healthy birds
You should also know some hidden facts about how do you know when a bird is dying because not all the birds you see sick need to be necessary at their dying stage.
Some conditions that you may need to check-in such birds
Baby Birds :
You may also witness many of the baby birds that are dropped from their nest. It does not mean that they are ill. They may not have to develop their fur perfectly and thus are unable to fly. In such cases, you have to find their nest and keep them in it.
Deformed Birds :
Many birds have natural deformities like crooked talons and overgrown bills or even posses uneven feather that makes them unable to fly perfectly. In such a case, you have to examine that the bird should be active and has the capacity to feed.
Molting Birds :
The molting stage of the birds creates patches in their skin, and thus anyone can easily detect they are about to die. But this is not entirely true as such a process is normal and can take weeks to make them full of furs. Such birds will definitely need your personal help in these conditions.
Bald Birds :
Some of the species of birds are born bald naturally, such as vultures and condors, while some other species remain bald for a temporary period. They may look drastic, but they are not ill such conditions are normal in them.
Taking Care of Sick Birds at Home Perfectly
In case you are a proud owner of a pet bird, but due to some reasons they become sick, it is essential to take their proper care so that recovery soon. If you do not take good care of them in such a stage, you might lose them forever.
So, here are some of the precautions that you can take to improve their health conditions –
Keeping the Perfect Temperature :
Warm temperatures are often needed to recover a bird from sickness. For this, you can keep a lamp on their cage to keep them warm throughout the day. You can even check the temperature of the cage by putting a thermometer inside the cage. It is good to keep the temperature around 32 degrees Celsius. In case you have problems in arranging for a light bulb, you can cover their cage with a warm blanket or can keep a heating pad on the bottom of the cage.
Make sure that the temperature of the cage does not rise above the limits as it can to create a problem with the birds. Heat bulbs are readily available in any of the pet stores they are specially made for lizards; you can try them.
Allowing Indirect Sunlight :
Your pet bird will surely feel great if you keep them in diffused or indirect sunlight. We all know sunlight has hidden powers that can kill all sorts of germs that are present in the cage or on their body. But again, make sure that the birds do not feel uncomfortable because of overheating from sunrays. To create indirect sunshine, you can use curtains over your windows.
Adding Humidity :
In case your bird is suffering from a respiratory illness, you can keep a humid environment near them. This can easily be done by using a humidifier near their cage. It is often recommended to keep 55 percent humidity near them to make them comfortable. If you want to know that your bird is suffering from respiratory problems you can see the following symptoms –
- You can hear the breathing of birds that are suffering from respiratory problems
- They make an unusual clicking and rasping noises
- You can see discharge from their nostrils and open their beaks for breathing
- They follow an irregular diet or avoids to eat
Adjust their Perch in Lower Spots :
Sick birds often feel stress if their perch is at a greater height. In such cases, they also have greater chances of falling. To prevent all such cases, fix their perch in the lower areas where they could possibly relax without much effort. It is good if you keep the perch between 2.5 to 1 cm from the base of the cage. If you ever witness that your bird is falling from the perch, do take them to vets as they would need some urgent medical attention.
Keep Water and Food at Their Reach :
Your bird definitely needs some personal attention when they are sick. One of the best ways to keep their food and water within their reach. Dehydration can be a serious problem when the birds are sick and so providing them water regularly is necessary. To keep them free from germs, make sure that you keep changing their food and water regularly.
Foods such as vegetables spoil more quickly, your bird will definitely become iller if it feeds on some rotten food. It is useful if you serve them some good quality seeds mix with millets that do not include any preservatives or artificial colors. Make sure to provide them with fresh fruit daily. It is also better to give them food in smaller amounts so that they do not get deposited in their cage.
It is also important to clean the cages more often if your bird is suffering from sickness. Removing the excess food and their poops is a must to keep them healthy. You can also use some disinfectant to clean the base of their cases. Also, try to do a thorough cleaning by wiping all their accessories within 1-2 days. Doing so will not let germs and bacteria to grow. Many of the safe bird cleaners are also available in the market; you can go for those.
Common Frequently Asked Questions (Faqs) You May Have
Q1: What to do if a bird is dying?
Ans: In case you ever find an injured bird, the best thing to do is to put them in a cardboard box and cover the box with a towel. Place the box in a calm and cool place. Many such birds even die from shock so make sure that you do not scare them.
Q2: How long does it take for a bird to die from dehydration?
Ans: In case the birds go without water for more than three days, they will definitely die from fatal dehydration. So, it is often recommended to fill their bowl with fresh water regularly if you have a pet bird.
Q3: What does it mean when you see a bird die?
Ans: It’s a myth that finding a dead bird is misfortune and brings bad luck. Some people also believe that seeing a dead bird means some of the loved ones have also passed away. It’s a natural fact that one should admit it.
Q4: Should I bury a dead bird?
Ans: Yes, it’s good to bury a dead bird, but make sure you make a perfect grave for them and then bury them deeper. You should also use gloves and do not touch them with your bare hands. Make sure that they are not against the laws prevailing in your state.
Q5: How do you save a dying baby bird?
Ans: If you see dying baby birds, pick them up with your clean hands, and find the nest nearby and keep them there. You can also put a towel over them to keep them warm and comfortable.
Q6: Can a bird die from being scared?
Ans: Yes, many birds often die when they are scared suddenly. Such condition includes loud noise and sudden attack of predators.
The Final Words
Finally, I hope that now you are well familiar with how do you know when a bird is dying. You may also learn about how to take care of the bird if they are sick.
Birds are definitely one of the wonderful creations of God; it is a noble deed to help them in distress.